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Please join us for a celebration of Black History Month with our local African community.

A reception will follow in the parish hall. 

Food donations are welcomed.

Please contact Dale brown at if you can or would like to make a food donation.


The National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus (NBCCC) of the United States voted on Tuesday, July 24, 1990 while meeting in convention at Fordham University in New York, to establish November as BLACK CATHOLIC HISTORY MONTH. The reason behind the selection of the month of November was the number of important dates to Catholics of African descent that fell within this month.


  • Nov. 1    All Saints Day = an opportunity to review the lives of the hundreds of Saints of African descent in the first 300 years of the Church.


  • Nov. 2    All Souls Day = a time to remember all those African lost to cruel treatment in the Middle Passage crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.


  • Nov. 3    Martin de Porres became the first black American saint. He was canonized by Pope John XXIII on May 16, 1962. Throughout his life, St. Martin de Porres exemplified God’s love for all people, regardless of their level in society. 


  • Nov. 13  The birth of St. Augustine in 354 A.D., the first Doctor of the Church from North Africa.


  • Nov. 20  The death of Zumbi of Palmares in Brazil, South American founder of a free state for Blacks.​


The first celebration of Black Catholic History Month began in November of 1990 in various cities in the United States with the celebration of St. Martin de Porres Feast day. The liturgy celebrated the 350th anniversary of St. Martin's transition from this life to eternal life. In Detroit on this day in 1990, Archbishop Adam Maida, the local Archbishop, was the celebrant for the Mass. Also present was the President of the NBCCC, Bro. Roy Smith, OSC. The Mass was held at St. Anthony Church.

In the world today there are 200 million people of African descent in the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world.



Dear St. Peter Claver Parishioners,


I will be twenty-five (25) years this year on 7th October 2024 as a priest. I am so blessed in many ways in my ministries. On this 25th anniversary of my priesthood I asked myself, “What I could do to foster future generations as the best way to remember?” The answer that came to me was to establish an “Education Endowment Fund“. The goal is to raise $50,000. If you prefer you can establish a family name scholarship, the minimum amount is $10,000. You can pay in installments within five (5) years. I know that I can count on you for the bright future of this great church. Please pray about it. Know that you are in my daily prayers. God is so good to each one of us; let us share that blessing with this church for the generations to come. In closing I can’t thank you enough for your love, care, and support to make this church a wonderful place of worship. May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly. 


In Divine Word Fr. Agustinus Seran, SVD Pastor

VOCATIONS: it's the work of us all!

Pray for more vocations and
for those discerning or already in formation.
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Have you thought about or are discerning a vocation?

Mass Times 


Weekend Masses:

Saturday Vigil - 4:00 pm

Sunday Morning - 10:00 am

*Haitian Creole Mass - 1:00 pm


Daily Masses

Wednesday  9:00 am

Friday            8:00 am


Confession Schedule

Saturday   3:15 - 3:45 pm

Sunday      9:15 - 9:45 am

* Any time by request



Baptism is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation.  The other two are Confirmation and Eucharist. Before the celebration of baptism, the Church expects parents and sponsors to be formed in its meaning and responsibilities. For info on Baptism please call the parish office and to schedule an appointment with Deacon Ben.

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Thinking about becoming Catholic or learning more about the Church.  Perhaps you were baptized Catholic and have not received the Sacrament of the Eucharist or Confirmation.  R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is just the opportunity you have been looking for!

Bring your Bible! Bring a friend! Bring the whole family!
Our Bible Study is online!  
Thursdays - 6:30 PM, led by Deacon Ben Hooks
Join us on Zoom. Sign-up for Flocknote to receive notification.
Text SPCTPA to 84576
Spend some time in prayer with the Ladies of the Knights of Peter Claver. Join us to pray the Rosary every Tuesday at 8:00 pm on Zoom. Sign-up for Flocknote to receive notification.
Text SPCTPA to 84576

Call the parish office at 813-223-7098 for more informaton.

Liturgical Ministers' Schedules

Can you share your gift as a Reader, Commentator, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or Altar Server? Click on the ministry headings below for their current schedules.


Readers and Commentators 

- February Reader Schedule


Jill Briscoe 

Tracy-Ann Gilbert- Smith


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

- April - July Schedule

Coordinator - Neville Evans 


Ushers & Greeters:

 - Schedule

Coordinator - Linda Joly


Altar Servers:

 -  Schedule

Coordinator -  Kaye Wisdom,



Catholic Ministry Appeal 2025
 Click here for Catholic Ministry Appeal info

Click here for more information about the Mutually Shared Vision for our diocese.
Who We Are


St. Peter Claver Parish is an association of people who come together to respond to God’s call to enter a love relationship with the creator. We, as a community of faith, are called by God to accept the responsibility of being a sign of His presence in this world by striving to be people of prayer and of loving service to all.

Our Mission


“We, the historic African American Parish of  St. Peter Claver Catholic Church and School, a spirited, diverse, multicultural community, embrace our mission:

  • To evangelize

  • To form and educate

  • To welcome and serve, and

  • To share our gifts."

Travelers Welcomed!

We are located near downtown Tampa and historic Ybor City. If you are in town for a cruise, we are less than a mile from the Port of Tampa.


Our History


Click below to read about our church's history.

Prayer Requests
Alicia Black, Andrew FreemanDorothy Sneed, Eulalee Brown, Marinette Chavers, Ingrid Brady O'Neal, Loette Cupid, K. C. Bowick, Hewitt Smith, Thomas Aikens, Danielle Allen Lopez; Ralph Malone; Robert “Bob” Wheeler,  Marinette Chavers; Michael Brack; Bob Peake; Don Grate; Marina Bodden-Pilcher, St. Peter Claver Church, St. Peter Claver School.

If you know of any member of the parish that is ill, please call the office at 813-223-7098.  

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